Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 2 assignment

For our assignment this week we've been asked to discuss the 7 topics below.  I will create separate blogs for each, and hopefully explain them sucinctly.  This will probabaly end up more of the mess we're trying to wade through within the class in order to separate the problems, however I'll do my best!

1. Explain the six-stage problem solving process.
2. Explain the principles/steps/symbols in building influence charts
3. Explain the steps to derive a problem from mess, talk about well/ill and
divergent/comvergent structured problems.  Give your own examples.
4. Create an Influence Chart for the Example Invivo Diagnostics from page 21-26.
(You may use Powerpoint or MS Word or othr Drawing tools, or simple draw it on
paper, take a picture with your camera or cell-phone camera, and attach to the blog.)
5. Summarize section 2.3.1 including the influence chart.
6. Summarize section 2.3.2 including the influence chart.
7. Explain the model formulation process: Decision, Outcome, Structure and Data.
Give an example showing the four model formulation steps.

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